Body inclusive yoga instructor brings hands to heart while wearing sweater during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Optician smiles in suit, tie, jeans, and glasses during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Rachel and Adam smile and hug each other during couples shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Couple Photographer

Adam smiles at Rachel in front of black backdrop during professional photos in Boston by Michelle Schapiro Photography

Body inclusive yoga instructor holds hands to heart while wearing scarf during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Body inclusi ve yoga instructor sits on floor in meditation during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Optician in suit and bowtie examines a lens with one eye closed during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Optician in suit and bowtie examines a lens during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Optician in suit and bowtie examines a large lens during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Body inclusive yoga instructor looks at camera in blue and pink floral shirt during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Body inclusive yoga instructor smiles at camera with hand under chin during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Body inclusive yoga instructor looks at camera while tucking hair behind ear during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Body inclusive yoga instructor looks at camera in front of dark gray wall during professional branding session Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Body inclusive yoga instructor smiles at camera in blue and pink floral shirt during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer

Optician in suit, tie, and glasses smiles and laughs during professional branding shoot Michelle Schapiro Boston Headshot Photographer